Piedmont CASA...
We Are For the Children of Banks, Jackson, and Barrow Counties
" I am for the child who has attended eight schools in four years.
Because she's in foster care.
Because her birth mother, debilitated by mental illness, neglected her.
That is the child I am for.
And because I am, she will be half as likely to languish in foster care and that much more likely to find a safe, permanent home.
I am a Court Appointed Special Advocate."
Our mission is to give abused and neglected children of Barrow, Jackson and Banks Counties certified volunteers to be their voice in Juvenile Court.
Last quarter, 61 Piedmont CASA volunteers were assigned to 111 children in foster care. If you live in this area and love children, there are children who need YOU. Your relationship with that child helps them learn to trust again. Go to the Volunteer Page for upcoming class dates.
We also need your donations to provide a volunteer for each child. It costs over $250 to train a volunteer and approximately $750 per year to serve one child. Please use the button below to make a donation using your credit card. You will receive confirmation of your donation by email and a letter of thanks by postal mail.
Last quarter, 61 Piedmont CASA volunteers were assigned to 111 children in foster care. If you live in this area and love children, there are children who need YOU. Your relationship with that child helps them learn to trust again. Go to the Volunteer Page for upcoming class dates.
We also need your donations to provide a volunteer for each child. It costs over $250 to train a volunteer and approximately $750 per year to serve one child. Please use the button below to make a donation using your credit card. You will receive confirmation of your donation by email and a letter of thanks by postal mail.